Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Goals Of SMS Management Review

The Goals Of SMS Management Review

NOTE: This post is from one of our frequent contributors to this blog, "Birdseye59604.

An objective of a Safety Management System (SMS) is to include a Management Review, where the system is evaluated for effectiveness and if the systems are adequate to organizational needs and will continue to meet organizational needs over time.

Goals established for a Management Review are activities to be completed for a successful outcome of objectives. Effective goal activities are processes with defined roles of who does it, how it is done and when it's done.

Goal is a vehicle travelling to destination named Objective    

Supporting goals for the Management Review are periodic, planned reviews and review for cause. A review for cause goal is the activity to take place when there are major changes in the organization that affects SMS or operations. These major activities could be due to senior management changes or activities requiring new non-established processes to operate.

"Effective goal activities are processes with defined roles of who does it, how it is done and when it's done."

Other goals for a Management Review objective are to review audits, verify that employees understand roles and responsibilities, verify achievement results of other objectives, review of results from investigation and analysis, effectiveness of internal and external feedback, determine the status of corrective actions completed and other with progress reports, follow-up from previous Management Review reports, goals of changes that could affect SMS, review recommendations for improvements and sharing of best practices across organization.  All these goals are tools established for management to understand if their SMS is functioning as intended.

Objective is a destination for the Goal to stay on track.    

In addition to operational goals, there are administrative goals. These goals are procedures and responsibilities for conducting audits of policies and procedures, and audits of SMS maintenance requirements.

A final goal is for Management Review to evaluate the effectiveness of corrective actions resulting from previous Management Reviews. This all boils down to the simple concept to Plan, Do, Check and Act. SMS is simple in concept, but comprehensive in assigning weight to each process.    


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