Friday, August 23, 2013

Training as Represented by a Circle

Training as Represented by a Circle

NOTE: This post is from one of our frequent contributors to this blog, "Birdseye59604."

In some organizations training may be viewed as a redundant task since an employee performs with great results the same tasks day in and day out. Or, some organizations may compare training to a long path of a “never ending story”. However, training is neither redundant nor a long and never ending path; Training is Continuous Improvement and a Circle. 

Norwegian Cookie Cake

When a new person is starting in a job the Enterprise has an indoctrination training planned even if one does not exactly know a new employee’s competence level. Based on historical facts, one assumes that a new person is qualified to enter the Circle of Training at the position’s Level of Performance Criteria. 

Training becomes the circles of a “Circle Cookie Cake”, where each circle represents an organizational competence, performance criteria and training-entry level. The wider circles represent levels where more people are working. At the top, the circle is small with only a few selected individuals. 

When there are Management changes an Enterprise is conducting a “for cause” Management Review and a review of change which could affect the established Safety Management System. Should there be a change of Accountable Executive, it’s the top ring of the “Circle Cookie Cake” where training is applied. When there is a change of an established operational process, it is one of the lower rings where training is applied. Training applies to each circle of Performance Criteria. 

Continuous improvement circle analogy is natural

Each circle represents an Enterprise’s planned training for Competence, Effectiveness and Continuous Improvement. 

When a person has completed the circle’s indoctrination training level of training, it becomes a simple task to add SMS&QA training; technical; recurrent; and training for Continuous Improvement.  

Your thoughts.....



  1. The circle analogy for training is so appropriate. A lot of companies think that when someone is trained, that's it. Training should be an on-going process. There are plenty of studies that show that companies that have a robust training program are more productive, have better employee morale, and make more money enough to well offset the cost of training.

    Another opportunity for training in your company is our upcoming QA/SMS "Tools" Symposium. We have great workshops like "Auditing, Statistical Process Control, and Corrective Action Plans." We have great speakers and the "Happiest Place on Earth" location. goto: click on symposium. Check out our other courses as well...

  2. Training should be very strict and it should last for over a month. According to Health And Safety Training Peterborough the longer is the training the greatly the employee understands the contents of the training. Nice article by the way.

    Arnold Brame

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  4. This information which you provided is very much useful for us.It was very interesting and useful for qa online training.We also providing qa online training institute.


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