Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Parameters as Statistical Profit-makers in SMS

Parameters as Statistical Profit-makers in SMS

NOTE: This post is from one of our frequent contributors to this blog, "Birdseye59604."

SMS is defining parameters in operation. An Enterprise has processes in place for performance parameters that are linked to the organization’s goals and objectives, which again are linked to the safety policy. SMS is the tasks of manage applications within established parameters.

Parameters of zero airspeed are no RPM and equalized MP. Add another of oil temperature to improve reliability of statistics

As a simplified example let's look at the parameters of an unsafe landing gear indication, where the corrective action plan of the "unsafe landing gear" checklist is applied.
This checklist is a parameter as an integrated part of other performance parameters required during its flight. However, it is different in that it is a non-desired outcome parameter and only addressed in a non-desired state of flight.

Assuming that parameter, goal and objective are as follows;
Parameter – Unsafe landing gear indication checklist.
Goal – Execution of appropriate checklist within endurance available.
Objective – Apply corrective action for a safe landing.

In the hierarchy of Safety Policy, the Objective is at a higher level than the Goal and at the operational level is the Parameter. With an unsafe landing gear light, the objective is to apply corrective actions for a safe landing. The goal is to apply appropriate checklist completed within endurance available. After completion of the checklist, the flight crew applies decision of further action based on their findings and in coordination with other flight parameters.

From here on in; operational application of parameters determine the outcome.

A change in procedure to establish shorter usable lifetime for light-indicator may give statistical advantages of a reduction in non-desired outcome of flights and establish profit targets by risk management.  


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