Situational Awareness Are Emotions And
Another insightful post from Helena1320
After severe
accidents involving major air carriers, new technology and automation were developed
and implemented into aircraft systems to make flying safer for the public. All
these safety improvements to safety came at the ultimate price, but were justified
for future safety improvement and for accidents never to happen again.
Over years
there have been midair collisions, controlled flights into terrain and airplanes
on approach to occupied runways. Loss of situational awareness was assigned as root
causes for several of these accidents. With loss of situational awareness
as the determining point of failure, the
solutions became to help pilots to always know where they were by installing more
automated systems. Without a clear definition and collected data about loss of
situational awareness, the cause of accident was assigned to pilot error as the
last link in the chain of events leading up to these catastrophic accidents.

awareness is more than just knowing where you are at point in space over the
surface of the earth. Situational awareness is to understand where in the
process the automated system is, it is to understand what is coming next in the
process, it is to understand the effect of flight control inputs, including
long-term effect, it is to understand power plants, it is to understand human
factors, it is to understand the environment,
it is to
understand topography, it is to understand law of physics, it is to understand
aircraft systems, it is to understand navigation aid inputs, it is to
understand display outputs, including visual navigation, it is to understand
positions as to point in space, it is to understand air traffic controller communication
and intent, it is to understand outside visual clues, it is to understand
airport environment and it is to overlay all these situational awareness clues
in correct order onto visual cockpit displays and instrument communication, with
a mental picture of what effect it will have on continuing the flight. In
addition, when in visual meteorological conditions, or on a visual approach,
situational awareness is to transfer this virtual information onto the visual
view ahead.
When there
is an overload of information driving a vehicle, the driver can stop, rest,
review and catch up. When there is an overload in an airplane the pilots are
behind the airplane and the task becomes to move out of being behind by having
situational awareness of what is current relevant information and then discharge
all irrelevant information and clues.
The only
available option to discharge all information and start over again is to
initiate an overshoot, climb to an obstacle free altitude and level off. At
that point, when the pilot has regained control of situational awareness, the
pilot may request further clearances to proceed to destination. When data from
loss of situational awareness reports are analyzed with defined root cause,
then there are data and tools available to make changes to reduce, or eliminate
loss of situational awareness in flight.

Situational awareness
can be trained for and learned within a just culture of a safety management
system where there is organizational accountability to incidents. When pilots
are experiencing momentarily loss of situational awareness, it may not be reported
due to fear of job performance punishment. Without incident reports there are
no information available to justify that loss of situational ever occurred and
therefore initiate awareness training, or operational corrective actions. Since
it is not reported, loss of situational awareness is not analyzed as a regular
occurrence but as an extremely remote operational risk and possibility.
Training for
situational awareness is more than learning what situational awareness is. It
is to understand the emotions of loss of control when a pilot is behind the
airplane, how to overcome these emotions, to make interpretations and
decisions, do a quality assurance check of interpretations and to discard all
non-required information. When it is determined that continuing the flight
could cause harm, or that the short term outcome of continuing the flight is
unknown, then the pilot must go to ground zero and start over again from that
Training for
situational awareness can be summarized as training to recognize emotions,
training for analyzing data under stress, training of an ongoing operational
quality assurance test, decision making training and training to implement
corrective action. Restoring situational awareness training is not only for the
pilot to be situational awareness confident, but also for co-pilot and all
other flight crew members.
of situational awareness is the most critical step of training. In the process
of navigation, a human mind has a tendency to manipulate the facts to match wishes
and assumption. This is learned early on in flight training with the cross
country training exercises.
A brand new student
pilot navigating an aircraft for the first time with visual reference to the
ground, following roads, rivers, lakes, towns, or dead reckoning by time and
estimated distance, learns quickly that assumptions of situational awareness are
not always facts. A lake on the ground may look identical to the lake on the
map if the map is rotated, a valley in the mountains appears to be the valley to
fly if the compass had been set correctly and the duration flown must be right
because the timing that was off. In
hindsight, all these clues of not being on flight planned path make sense.
However, at the time of emotional inputs, distress and refusal of accepting to
be lost, all incorrect information seems right. In their own mind, the pilots
had situational awareness at the time just prior to the accidents. There are
many examples of loss of situational awareness, but one that stands out in
history is Flight 571 in 1972.
In an
organization operating within a just culture and with an operational
non-punitive incident reporting policy, there is a much greater chance that
incidents are reported. These incidents then become available as a tool to
analyze, track, categorize and address in training and operational management.
In aviation, the hazard that is not known eventually becomes the unknown risk
that will cause harm.
Loss of
situational awareness is when information of collected data is rejected and
overpowered by emotional decisions. Automation and human factors are integrated
functional areas adding to safer operations of flights. However, when automation
become the default fail-safe recovery system, then human errors are transferred
from pilots into the hands of automation analysts and software programmers. The
most valuable resource available for recovery from errors and malfunctions, is human
resilience and for pilots to collect data, analyze, take actions, bounce back and
start over again.