Friday, July 13, 2018

So..Your SMS is not Continuously Improving.....Chill Out!

So..Your SMS is not Continuously Improving.....Chill Out!

The Greyhound is the fastest dog in the world, but they need to chill out too. 
After working with dozens of different enterprises, implementing Safety Management Systems, SMS, and Quality Assurance Programs,QAP, I have discovered several reasons why the SMS/QA stops working after a while. 

The following are some reasons you need to examine in your own company:

Loss of Interest in the Regularly Scheduled Safety Meetings:

When an SMS is first implemented, everyone is on board and enthusistic about the Process so the weekly safety meeting are well attended. Over time people begin to lose interest in the weekly safety meetings. Managers start falling back into their pre-sms modes. It is imperative that upper management stress the importance of the participation in the weekly meetings. These meetings are where we roll up our sleeves and really look at the reports and analyze root cause. The result of the weekly meetings should be corrective action plans that actually provide the action to continuous improvement.

The Deming Cycle for Continuous Improvement
Hazard/Incident reports as well as audits results drive the Risk assessment, Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action Plans that are results of the weekly meeting. 

This is the engine of the SMS. See

Reduction of DATA Collection

There are some great SMS Software programs. I have experienced SMS Pro and Vortex and found these to be excellent programs. But, "Garbage in - Garbage out." In order to maintain "CONTROL" we need to consistently measure our processes to provide quality data. Yearly audits just don't cut it. 

A consistent audit verification program provides excellent data to enter into the SMS engine analysis system. The Hazard and Incident reporting system must be encouraged by middle and upper management. A good SMS Software program will keep track of the progress of each report, communicate to key people, and help the SMS manager to control the flow and completion process of each report. 

Poor Corrective Action Plan implementation

Once the Causal factors have been determined through a robust Root Cause Analysis, RCA, it is important that the corrective action be "realistic" and supported by upper management. Of all the impediments to a successful continuous improvement program, lack of follow-through on the corrective action plan is the highest.  All CAPs should be monitored and checked by the Quality Assurance department to make sure that what we said we would do is actually what we did.

Turn Over

According to the United States Small Business Administration,SBA, "..employee turn-over is the highest cost to a small business." Because of this reason, it is important that your enterprise have a "system" of control. All job functions throughout your company must be controlled through robust procedures. New employees need to be taught to depend on procedures to perform functions. Do things by the book. 

Dr. Joseph Juran, Founder of the famous Juran Institute 
Dr. Joseph Juran, " all processes should be so well documented that you could replace an entire department with new employees and you should be able to make the same product with the same quality..." The "system" approach assures that processes are not people dependent. 

In addition, new employees must hired and trained with the same or greater commitment to the SMS. It is the job of management to permeate the organization with a safety oriented culture.

Communication breaks down

Its so easy to fall back into old habits. Managers get absorbed into their day-to-day routines. Communication begins to slow down between the SMS teams and we begin to forget the importance of robust safety communications between departments. Management needs to continually emphasis to the workforce the importance of reporting incidents and hazards. 


Entropy defined, "lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder." How do we fight entropy in our system?  The secret is constant renewal of Goals and Objective. As we gain control of an area or process, identified as high risk areas, we need to replace the goals and objectives with new ones that come from our Safety Risk Profile and Hazard Registry, ( see goals and objective from your Safety Risk Profile.) 

Another tool to fight entropy is training.  There should be constant and robust training offered throughout the organization. Training not only equips people to do a job, but it is also a very effective tool of communication. Many policies can be reinforced in the training courses. 

Entropy can be fought off through recognizing success stories within the organization. Remember we are collecting data through reports and audit results. Well, do we recognize areas that pass their audits. SMS and Quality Assurance is often looked at as a system that recognizes failure. We should applaud success as well. 

In my 30+ years implementing Quality and Safety Management Systems I can testify to the fact that if we remain diligent, we can achieve a true process of continous improvement. We have many success stories to back up this claim. It is up to management to recognize this and support it in order to make the organization successful. 

The SMS Memory Jogger II 
Dennis Taboada, M.eng.,CQE,CQM                                                                                                 CEO, President DTI Training Consortium Atlanta USA and DTI Training Canada Ltd. Richmond BC Canada

Suggested Reading: "The SMS Memory Jogger II." Available at Publisher GOAL/QPC , search SMS. Also,

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