Identify Special Cause Variation
By OffRoadPilots
Special cause variation, also known as assignable cause
variation, refers to variation in a process that can be traced
to specific, identifiable causes or factors. These causes are
not part of the normal, expected variability that occurs in a
process. Identifying special cause variation is a critical
aspect of process improvement and quality control. It involves
distinguishing between random or common cause variation and
variation that can be attributed to specific factors.
Key characteristics and methods for identifying special cause
variation are control charts, unusual data points, patterns in
data, data clustering, data outside specification limits,
outliers, sudden changes in inputs, observations from process
operators, root cause analysis, and historical data comparison.
Statistical control
charts are graphical
tools used in
statistical process
control to monitor
process performance
over time. They
typically have upper
and lower control
limits that represent
the acceptable range of
variation for a
process. If data points
on a control chart fall
outside these control
limits, it suggests the
presence of special cause variation. The control chart is a
graph used to study how a process changes over time. Data are
plotted in time order. A control chart always has a central line
for the average, an upper line for the upper control limit, and
a lower line for the lower control limit. These lines are
determined from historical data. By comparing current data to
these lines conclusions can be drawn about whether the process
variation is consistent (in control) or is unpredictable (out of
control) An out of control process is affected by special causes
of variation. Statistical Process Control by using control
charts, and analysis are considered one of the seven basic
quality control tools. These seven tools are Cause-and-effect
diagram, Check sheet, Control chart, Histogram, Pareto chart,
Scatter diagram, and Stratification chart.
Control charts for variable data are used in pairs. The top
chart monitors the average, or the centering of the distribution
of data from the process. Control charts for attribute data are
used singly.
Unusual data points are data points that fall outside the
control limits on a control chart. Control limits are typically
set at ±3 standard deviations (6 Sigma) from the process mean.
Data points beyond these limits suggest special cause variation.
Patterns in data is to examine data for patterns or trends that
are not part of the normal process behavior. Common patterns to
watch for include spikes, shifts, cycles, and abrupt changes.
Data clustering is when data points cluster together in a non-
random way. This is an indication of the presence of a special
cause variation. For example, if a machine consistently produces
parts with dimensions clustered around a specific value, this
could be a special cause. If reports, or data received from
independent sources, but are identical, is an indication of a
special cause variation. Raw data does not come is clusters and
when it happens is an indicator of a corrupted process. When an
SMS enterprise operates with corrupted processes their root
cause analysis and corrective action plans have failed before
they are implemented.
A corrupt process refers to a situation where a system or a
specific procedure within an organization has been compromised
or tainted by unethical, illegal, or dishonest activities.
Corruption in a process can have severe consequences, including
financial losses, damage to reputation, legal repercussions, and
a breakdown in trust. A corrupt process does not paint the true
picture of the system but does however paint a true picture ofan SMS enterprise. An example of a corrupt process is the
checkbox syndrome, or when the primary task becomes to complete
all checkboxes as opposed to the discovery of special cause
variations. Another example of a corrupt process is when third-
party SMS programs maintain control of an SMS enterprise’s SMS.
Third-party process compliance as a substitute to an operator’s
SMS processes is recognized by allowability to operate with a
flexible and suitable SMS.
Data points outside
specification limits
are data points that
consistently fall
outside the defined
specification limits
for a product, service,
or process. This
indicates the presence
of a special cause
variation and suggests
that the process is out
of control and that it
is not meeting its
intended requirements.
An outlier is an observation or data point that significantly
deviates from the rest of the data in a dataset. In other words,
it's a data point that is unusually distant or different from
the majority of the data points in a sample. Outliers can occur
for various reasons, including measurement errors, data entry
errors, natural variability, or genuinely exceptional cases. An
outlier is a special cause variation. The SMS enterprise’s role
and responsibility by an accountable executive is to identify
and investigate outliers in the data.
Sudden changes in process inputs, such as airport daily
inspections, aircraft pre and post flight inspections, or sudden
change in processes are special cause variations. When there are
sudden changes in these inputs, initiate an investigation of
their impact on the process and perform a root cause analysis.
Observations from process operators are inputs and reports from
personnel who are conducting the tasks. They are the frontline
worker who have firsthand knowledge of the process. This
knowledge is invaluable data for an SMS enterprise to run with a
successful SMS. Experienced operators may notice unusual events
or changes that could lead to special cause variations.
Perform a thorough root cause analysis to identify the specific
factors or events responsible for the variation. Tools like the
5-Whys and Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagrams, can help uncover
underlying causes.
A root cause analysis (RCA) is a systematic process for
identifying the underlying causes of a problem or an event, with
the goal of addressing the root causes rather than just the
symptoms. It is a valuable problem-solving technique used in the
airline industry, both airports and airlines, safety management
system quality control, project management, e.g. plan of
construction operations. The primary objective of RCA is to
prevent the recurrence of problems by addressing their
fundamental causes. However, after implementation of a
corrective action plan, a new special cause variation may
A root cause analysis may involve multiple rounds of analysis
and corrective action. It encourages a proactive approach to
problem-solving and continuous improvement within an SMS
enterprise. By addressing the root causes of problems, rather
than just symptoms, airports and airlines can prevent issues
from recurring and improve their overall performance and
Applying the appropriate steps in an acceptable sequence is a
criteria for a successful root cause analysis.
1. The first step is to define the problem or event. Clearly
and precisely define the problem or event that needs to be
analyzed. Write down in details what the problem or event
is. This step involves gathering information, data, and
evidence related to the issue.
2. The second step is to gather data and information. Collect
relevant data and information related to the problem or
event. This may involve reviewing records, conducting
interviews, and using various data collection methods.
3. The third step is to identify immediate causes. Determine
the immediate or proximate causes, or causal factors of the
problem or event. These are the factors that directly
contributed to the issue and are often the most apparent.
4. The fourth step is to identify contributing factors. An SMS
enterprise needs to look beyond the immediate causes to
identify the factors that contributed to the problem. These
factors may include human factors, organizational factors,
supervision factors or environmental factors, equipment
failures, or external influences.
5. The fifth step is
to construct a cause-
and-effect diagram
(Fishbone Diagram) or
apply the 5-Why
process. A cause-and-
effect diagram, also
known as a fishbone
diagram or Ishikawa
diagram, is a graphical
tool used to visualize
the possible causes of
a problem. It helps
organize and categorize
factors into groups,
such as people,
processes, equipment,
materials, and
environment. The 5-Why
root cause process is
to ask a Why-question
five times, or more, to determine the root cause.
The very first answer to a Why-question opens only one of many doors, becomes the cornerstone of the root cause analysisand determines the final answer, no matter how many times it’s asked. A simple 5-Why root cause analysis should
consider asking the question How? A How-question is
unbiased, neutral to the event and provide data to be
collected for quality control and eventually quality
assurance. It is crucial for a successful 5-Why root cause
analysis that the matrix is a 5x5 Why-matrix.
6. The sixth step is to identify the root cause. Among the
contributing factors identified, pinpoint the root cause,
or the fundamental factor or systemic issues that, if
addressed, would prevent the problem from recurring. A root
cause is often hidden beneath the surface and require
deeper analysis.
7. The seventh step is to validate the root cause. Verify the
identified root cause using data and evidence. Ensure that
the root cause is responsible for the problem.
8. The eighth step is to develop and implement a corrective
action. In order to preserve the integrity of a post-CAP
analysis, only one corrective action is implemented to
determine its effect on the process. Once the root causes
are confirmed, develop a corrective action or solution to
address the root cause. This action should be practical,
feasible, and aimed at preventing future occurrences of the
9. The ninth step is to monitor and follow-up. Implement the
corrective action and monitor the effectiveness over time.
Monitoring is to monitor the process each time it is put
into action. E.g. if a CAP was implemented to an airport’s
daily inspection, monitoring would be initiated at the
onset of the daily inspection process. Follow up to ensure
that the same problem does not recur and that the solutions
are sustainable. Be aware that a new special cause
variation may cause a process deviation, which cannot be
assigned to the current CAP.
10. The tenth step is documentation. Document the entire
root cause analysis process, including the problemdefinition, data collected, causes identified, corrective
actions taken, and outcomes. This documentation is
invaluable for tracking progress and lessons learned.
Historical data comparison is to compare current data to
historical data to determine if the observed variation is unique
or has occurred before. If it's unique, it's more likely to be a
special cause variation. Historical data should go back at least
seven years to include the triennial audit requirements data
Identifying and
addressing special
cause variation is
crucial for process
improvement and
maintaining product
quality. Once special
causes are identified,
corrective actions can
be taken to eliminate
or mitigate their
effects, leading to
more stable and
predictable processes.
Control charts and
statistical process control (SPC) methods are often used to
monitor and identify special cause variations in industrial and
manufacturing processes, service processes, and aviation safety
performance processes.
If a special cause variation is insignificant to operations and
an immediate CAP fixed the problem, leave the process untouched
and monitor for repetition. Overcontrolling a process to make it
perfect deliver a less desired process outcome than an imperfect
process. Use safety critical areas and safety critical functions
to determine the severity of impact or processes.
An example of an insignificant special cause variation is a flat
tire upon landing. The outcome could be a runway incursion, but
a flat tire is insignificant to the approach and landing process
.since it may only occur at a ratio of 0.07% of all movements.
Just as a nail on the highway causing one car tire to go flat is
insignificant to the highway travel process. An insignificant
event becomes significant to the process when it produces a
trend identified in an SPC control charts. When a trend is
identified, a special cause variation becomes significant, and a
root cause analysis is required.
It is my industry experience that control charts are uncommon
tools for SMS enterprises and other aviation related industries.
Different types of charts are used, but the analyses of these
charts are based on emotions. An operator may only accept column
charts or pie charts where the only criteria is to reduce the
number of events. One operator who was dissatisfied with the
number of events increased the trigger level and immediately the
number of events were reduced. Control charts are impartial,
they are unbiased, they are anchored to a data platform only,
and emotions and opinions are eliminated from the equation.
Special cause variations are neutral and does not care about the
variation itself.
Using SPC control charts, such as, and integrate
the model is a winning team for a successful safety
management system. When applying statistical process control an
SMS enterprise, such as an airport and airline, established an
analysis process with reliability and integrity. When using SPC
control chart, the process does not change with a change of
personnel responsible for SMS oversight, e.g. accountable
executive, a change of person responsible for operational
quality control, e.g. SMS manager, or trigger a change in the
quality assurance process. When using approach charts the
identification process remain in control and is stable. (Which
is what we want.)
It is possible to use other methods than mathematical designed
SPC control charts to identify special cause variations. When
applying the manual method, the responsible person must fully
comprehend the process, all common cause variations, and its
interaction with other processes every step of the way from
input to outcome. When using the manual method to identifyspecial cause variations, physically observe the process or
system to identify any unusual behaviors or conditions causing
the special cause variation.
Physically observing a process is process tracking. Process
tracking i also known as process monitoring or process control,
refers to the practice of continuously monitoring and managing
various aspects of a process to ensure it operates effectively,
efficiently, and within predefined parameters. This systematic
approach helps SMS enterprises to maintain consistency, improve
quality, and identify and address deviations or issues in real-
time. Process tracking can be applied to any airport or airline
processes. tries, including manufacturing, healthcare, finance,
and project management.
Process tracking
includes data
collection. To track a
process, data must be
collected from various
sources within the
process. Data collected
may encompass
performance metrics,
key indicators, and
other relevant
Manual process tracking
includes real-time
monitoring. Process
tracking involves monitoring the ongoing performance of the
process in real-time or near-real-time. This allows for immediate awareness of any anomalies or deviations from the desired performance standards.
Manual process tracking identifies key performance indicators
(KPIs). Identify and define KPIs that represent safety critical
areas and safety critical functions. These KPIs serve as
benchmarks and can be used to measure the process's
effectiveness and efficiency.
Manual process tracking includes thresholds and alarms.
Establish predetermined thresholds or alarm limits for KPIs.
When data points cross these limits, it triggers alerts or
alarms, notifying responsible personnel or systems of potential
Manual process tracking includes a manual analysis of collected
data to identify patterns, trends, and potential areas for
improvement.Manual process tracking includes process optimization. Based on data analysis, process tracking can lead to continuous process improvement initiatives. These improvements can enhance
efficiency and reduce costs.
Manual process tracking includes documentation and to maintain
detailed records of the tracked process data, including any
actions taken in response to deviations or alarms. Proper
documentation is essential for analysis, reporting, and
compliance purposes.
Manual process tracking includes visualization, visual
representations of process data, such as charts, graphs, and
dashboards, can provide a clear and intuitive overview of
process performance, making it easier to spot issues.
Manual process tracking includes regulatory compliance
assessments. The aviation industry, both airports and airlines
include strict regulatory requirements, and process tracking is
crucial for ensuring compliance with standards and regulations.
Manual process tracking includes feedback and reporting.
Regularly communicate process performance results and
improvements to relevant stakeholders, including management,
airline and airport personnel, and customers, as appropriate.
Process tracking plays a pivotal role in quality control,
operational efficiency, and risk management. It helps SMS
enterprises to maintain control over their processes, quicklyrespond to deviations, and make data-driven decisions to
continually improve their operations.
Special cause variations are identified in a system analysis
prior to implementation of a new process, or a new system. A
pre-analysis takes into account the probability of a special
cause variation to occur, and identification of probable
variations to occur. Based on probable variations (multiple
variations needs to be analysed) perform a root-cause analysis
and a risk analysis. The report is then submitted to the
accountable executive to accept or reject. A post-analysis of a
special cause variation is to perform a root cause analysis,
including a risk analysis of the actual deviation, or drift. The
report with recommendations is then submitted to the accountable
executive for review to accept or reject the recommendation.
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