Monday, September 15, 2014

Process Matters

Process Matters

NOTE: This post is from one of our frequent contributors to this blog, "Birdseye59604.

Changes are often difficult to accept and to put in effort to make it work. When new things are introduced there are often skepticism and opposition. At times these arguments make conflicts within an organization. It might be tempting not to make changes just to keep peace in the valley. Personnel who don't like changes make their own changes by making hurtles to stop the new process. That's in itself is a change and an ineffective process. 

Process Matters – Get the material first and then build

The process matters to everyone, for or against. It matters to the ones who want a change in the process and it matters to those who opposes. If processes didn't matter there would be no need to plan, do act and check. Processes are how we do things. Most of us have a process of how to get dressed in the morning. Some of the steps may not be in the same order each day, while there are other steps that must conform to a required process. Socks must come on before the shoes.

"The process matters to everyone"

When changes become personal issue, the changes are no longer operational process changes, but process protection of independent comfort. The fear of change is the fear of loosing a stable and comfortable position. A comfortable position may not be productive or produce a profit, but at least it is comfortable    

Process Matters – Get the tracks first then move the freight.

In an organization with flexible processes personnel adapt easier to changes. These are not variable processes, just flexible, and allowing resilience. Knowledge of how to improve a process is at the level of competence. Inputs for process changes (which is a process in itself) have better rate of success if all levels of competence in an organization is included. When including suggestions and addressing objections during the planning phase changes do not become strange competition to comfort, but just changes to the processes.

Processes matters to all. It matters to those who say it doesn't (or they wouldn't have objected) and it matters to those who embrace process changes.


1 comment:

  1. I wanted to add to this great post. The Process is the essential part of "CONTROL" in your organization. The Process matters to everyone is so true. Process is the basis for establishing a normal outcome. It is the basis for change and the basis for prediction. To learn more about PROCESS Control, I recommend taking one of the Training courses coming in Canada. goto: click on workshops. I also recommend attending the SMS/QA Symposium at Walt Disney World Coronado Resort in January 2015. goto: click on symposium.


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