Sunday, December 10, 2023

Santa’s System Analysis

Santa’s System Analysis

By OffRoadPilots

Since Santa implemented the Streamlined Mission Service (SMS) 10 years ago, hisSMS system has evolved into a business of its own, and a business system within the Streamlined Mission Service system. Santa runs his operations as a non- profit organization. This is not a charity organization, but a not-for-profit enterprise, with Santa who is the AE, Mrs. Santa who is HR Director, the Elf Superintendent, the Elf Director of Reindeer Operations, and the Elf Director of Airfield Management as the Board of Directors. The purpose of Santas operation is to deliver, without profit, gifts to billions of people once a year during a 24-hour period. The task in itself is simple, since delivery methods remains the same for centuries. However, task to deliver within a 24-hour period has become more strenuous

The first time Santa delivered gifts was in the year 872, when he helped a king of the Arctic to convince farmers, laborers, ship builders, accountants, lawyers, and risk management officers to join the king as one nation. Santa used his gifted talent as a used-sleigh salesman to give out gifts to everyone who agreed. Since this gift-giving process went so smooth, and the reindeers loved it, Santa decided to give gifts to all the nations on the day of the Arctic mid-winter fest when the sun is returning to the region again, the earth is coming back to life, and continuous darkness must give way to daylight. Santa did not plan much for this, since travel and giving gifts were common sense tasks. He gathered up all the nine reindeers he had in the safety corral, where they were protected from hazards. These nine reindeers were carefully selected from the prime of the best reindeer-stock in the mountains. The reindeers were used as helpers for the 2-day build-up of the mid-winter fest and the return of the sun, and the 7-day cleanup after the fest. This was not a rowdy and wild fest, but the cleanup needed to take 7-days as a part of a tradition only.

At the next winter-fest in 873, Santa departed with gifts that him and Mrs. Santa had prepared. The nine reindeers were happy to go and was looking forward to seeing other parts of the flat-shaped earth. Santa and the reindeers had been up in the air before, and when climbing to 3,000 feet above ground, they could easily see the end of the world. Santa didnt think this would take much time or presents and departed on a full moon morning and bright stars. These were the modern times, and there was nothing that was not known to be bright and intelligent people at this time. On the first takeoff one of the reindeers failed and stumbled after a famous wolf crossed the runway, and the reindeer got one of the runway edge lights stuck in his nose. The nose turned red, Santa named the reindeer Rudolph, after the famous wolf, and put Rudolph at the front for safety, since the nose was red.

Santa travelled from home to home and landed on the rooftops. They didnt have chimneys back then, but there was a hole at the gable end for smoke to escape from the living areas. This was a convention place to drop the gifts, and if Santa had to, he could use a rope to slide down into their living room.

Every delivery went well, until Santa ran out of gifts. Santa had travelled for hundreds of miles but did not make it to the earths end yet. There were still yard lights as far as the eye could see. Santa was disappointed but had to turn around before the reindeers ran out of energy. Safety back at Santas yard, he sat down and wondered what went wrong since he couldnt deliver to every single home.

Over the next few months Santa analyzed the system to learn what went wrong. He researched famous scholars about the flat earth and reindeer energy consumption. After reading and learning more about the earth, Santa came to realize that the earth is round like the sun and the moon. Also, Santa found out that the reindeer need solid food on their travel and cannot make the full trip by using power from the windturbine installed under the sleigh to supply water when they stop on the rooftops. Santa completed his system analysis for the next trip. The system analysis included the reindeer feeding system, the power generating system, and the earth-shape system. The reindeer feeding system was made automated and powered by the power generator to supply solid and liquid food to the reindeer. The windturbine was placed on top of the sleigh since it was damaged by rooftop landings when installed below. The power generator system added two backup windturbines to ensure power supplies for the whole trip. While Santa had problems defining, or changing the earths shape, he discovered that he could draw a map of the earth on a round rock and use the rock as his GPS (Grand Path System).

New inventions had come on the market since last year, and now, in the year 874, everything that was needed to be known about global travel was known. Santa had no worries since the experts had given him experts advice for every possible scenario and ensured his safety. After several hours of travel Santa was surprised that the sun did not set. Where he came from the sun did not rise all day, but here it was just the opposite. The sun did not set during the night. This reminded Santa of home and how the summer night are long and bright. Santa used an old wheel with six spokes to calculate his travel distance. Santa called his device every 6 balcony (E6B), since he needed to recalculate his route after six rooftop landings. To his surprise, he now was at the bottom of the round rock. Santa continued his deliveries, and he did not look back. The reindeer followed the direction from Rudolph, and the red nose pointed in a straight-ahead direction. After severalmore hours, Santa began to recognize places on the ground, and soon he found his landing airstrip. Santa was surprised to learn that he could make it home without turning around. When he told this to the experts, they expelled him from the toy factory since this could not be true. The earth was flat, and anyone who went of the edge never came back. Santa was more eager now than ever to continue his journey and deliver toys to everyone. Just a few days later Santa and Mrs. Santa started their own toyshop with help from all the elves in the area. Their future looked promising.

By now Santa realized that another system analysis needed to be done, since more systems were added, and he was planning for additional changes for the next toy delivery season. This time Santa included his own experts to do a system analysis. Mrs. Santa as the Director of Financial and Human Resources has roles and responsibilities to ensure that their processes from material to finish product were stable and userfriendly, and the system analysis expert for theses areas. Santa as the Accountable Elf (AE) has responsibility for human factors, organizational factors, supervision factors and environmental factors. In the system analysis Santa used the SHELL model, which stands for self-awareness, health-awareness, encroaching-awareness, limbo-awareness, and lane-awareness. sub-factors of environmental factors are designed environment, user friendly environment, design and layout, accessibility, tasks-flow, social environment, distancing, experiences, culture, language, climate, geo location, weather, temperature, methods, machines, manpower, materials, and measurements. Santa’s areas of expertise are applied in a system analysis of these mentioned factors. The Elf Superintendent brought her skills and expertise to the system analysis for Airfield maintenance, construction, and movements. The Elf Director of Reindeer Operations was responsible for all areas of operations, and to bring her expertise skills to the table for the system analysis. The Elf Director of Airfield Management brought his skills to the system analysis for safety, processes, and operation plans management to the system analysis. Santa was satisfied that this year, in year 875 and the year of major constructions, production and delivery of toys around the world would be a success. As the preparation continued, Santa was ready at the mid-winter fest to head out on his delivery adventure. This time he headed south until the sun did not set, and then northbound until the sun did not rise. By repeating this 24 times, he covered every single home and person all over the globe in a 24-hour period, and all children around the world was as happy as ever.

Santa, with approval by Mrs. Santa, made continuous improvements to production and deliveries, and continued support to the reindeer with helpful navigation aids, food delivery, and Santa also included a rest period for two of the reindeer at a time. With the annual new and improved processes, two of the reindeer were able to take a rest period without affecting the delivery process.

As homes were improved, the chimney became an obstacle. Santa noticed one year, in 1346, that some homes had build chimneys. At first Santa did not know but learned the hard way when the reindeer crashed into one. After the first incident Santa started to track every home with a chimney and documented this in the Chimney Tracking program. Since Santa had helped out the king in 872, he continued to report to the new kings of the Arctic. In 1537 a king who spoke a different language took over, and at first it was difficult for Santa to understand. Mrs. Santa developed a communication process in addition to the text and spoken word, to include colors and images. This was very helpful, and over time Santa also learned the new language.

Over the years there were ongoing improvements. Just as the chimney improvement, these improvements became a hazard for Santa and his deliveries. One year, one of the homeowners had placed a large evergreen tree inside their house. When Santa

dropped down the chimney and rolled into the living room, he rolled over the tree, and it fell over. All decorations broke, and everyone, including the children, woke up and ran to rescue. Santa made note of this and learned from his experience. Santa also notified the reindeers that there were trees inside some of these homes, which could cause more chimney smoke when branches and wood from the trees were burned on the fire. Santa tracked and documented every home with a tree and recorded it in the Tree Tracking system. Santa realized that system analyses also were useful in predicting hazards and avoid incidents when travelling. In 1814 Santa reported to a new king, who spoke his old language. Santa modified the written text in his messages so that elves and homeowners could understand the message. Santa documented and defined the text in the Write and Talk Tracking system.

Over the years Santa conducted several system analyses. A new invention on December 17, 1903, caught Santa by a surprise when another object, and Santa was not sure what it was, approach him in the air when travelling to a different district for

deliveries. Even if Santa was not sure of what the object was, him and Mrs. Santa conducted a system analysis of the event and implemented it in the safety manual for the annual toy-run. Santa did not mention this to anyone else, or to the king, since he had concerns that it could create to punitive actions to damage Santas reputation.

One day, a scientist invented an ultra-resilient strain of wheat that would grow food in places where food did not grow before. This also helped out Santa with feeding the reindeer while on the road, since he did not need to do as many detours to fill up the food supplies in the sleigh. In addition, since more food became available, Santa could carry a lighter weight of food, which made the job


easier for the reindeer. This worked out so well for Santa that Mrs. Santa awarded the scientist in 1970 the highest medal of honor since the new ultra-resilient strain of wheat helped to make peace between people. Santa, Mrs. Santa, and the elves were all happy to meet the scientist, visit with him and give him a hug and thank you for his hard work over many years.

Over centuries, decades and years, there were many challenges to overcome for Santa, and over time he made improvements to increase production, and improve delivery processes to ensure timely deliveries within a 24-hour period. For any changes that were made, minor or major, Santa and Mrs. Santa conducted their system analyses to be prepared for the known and unknown hazards awaiting Santa on his journey.


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